Frequently Asked Questions

Are you seeing clients face-to-face?
Yes I am, although most of my clients currently work with me through remote therapy sessions - either by video or telephone. Contact me and I'll explain how this works and what your options are.

What happens at the initial consultation?
This is an opportunity for us to discuss your reasons for seeking therapy. There is no cost as this is not a therapy session. Rather, it is a time to see if we can work together, what your expectations are and whether we feel I can help you.

When can I see you?
I see clients Monday to Friday and have early morning, daytime and evening sessions available. We can discuss the most convenient time at your initial consultation.

How long do sessions last?
Therapy sessions for individuals are 50 minutes long.
Couples sessions are 75 minutes long.

How often will I see you?
Typically sessions take place once a week.

How much will it cost?
Details are on the fees page, and we can discuss this at the initial consultation.

Where can I see you?
Most of my current practice is online, through video or telephone therapy sessions. For in-person sessions I see clients at my practice which I operate from London N15, close to Turnpike Lane tube. My practice is in north London and is close to Muswell Hill, Crouch End, Highgate, Wood Green and Tottenham.

How accessible is your practice?
My practice is on the second floor, accessed by stairs. You may need to consider this if you have mobility issues.

How many sessions will I need?
At the initial consultation, we will decide if we can work together. Most often, I work to an initial twelve-week contract. After twelve weeks we will review our work together and decide whether a further contract would be useful, or if an open-ended arrangement is more suitable.

In some cases, a shorter period of therapy may be more suitable, and we can discuss this at the initial consultation.

Are you the right therapist for me?
This is what we will discover in the initial consultation. What is important is the client-therapist fit between us. My approach to relational therapy has at its core the client-therapist relationship and the equal participation of each.

Who is a typical client?
No one and everyone. If you are unhappy and feel the need for help, or if there are thoughts or behaviours you feel you would like to change, you are a typical client.

Are our sessions confidential?
Sessions are completely confidential except in the following circumstances in line with the code of ethics which I work to:

  1. From time to time I will discuss my work with my clinical supervisor, always anonymously and clients are not personally identified. This is standard ethical practice and helps me to work as well as I can with you. My supervisor is bound by the same codes of ethics and confidentiality as myself.
  2. If I believe you are at risk of harming yourself or others I reserve the right to break confidentiality in order to prevent harm. I would only do this in extreme circumstances and would always try to discuss this with you first before taking any action.
  3. If required by a court of law to give evidence under subpoena.
  4. If you tell me of a child who is currently being abused, I will be obliged to notify a child protection agency.

Do you take notes?
I keep brief notes on sessions. They are not identified by name and are stored securely.

What is your code of ethics?
I abide by the Ethical Framework of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP).

Do I need a referral?
No. As I am in private practice, clients contact me directly.

What if I am in crisis?
I do not offer an emergency service. If you feel you are in mental health crisis and cannot wait for a short-notice appointment, you can seek advice and support from NHS 111 and The Samaritans.

How can I cancel sessions?
It is important to the progress of therapy that as far as possible, sessions are regular, as it has been shown that regular attendance leads to better outcomes.

If you must cancel a session, you need to give me 48 hours’ notice or the full session fee will be charged for that appointment.

The answer I wanted isn't here. Can I contact you?
Please do. My email address is on the contact page. I may even add your question to this page!

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