My Approach

My practice is rooted in the humanistic and relational traditions. A humanistic approach emphasises my belief in the intrinsic worth of every human being, and our natural tendency to self-fulfilment, choice and change.

The relational approach emphasises the relationship between client and therapist as central to the therapeutic work and focuses on connectedness to others. I believe that in order for a person to be emotionally healthy, they must maintain fulfilling and satisfying relationships with those around them. My client and I work together to forge a strong, uplifting and secure relationship that can serve as a model for future relationships the client will strive to develop.

Transactional Analysis (TA) forms the core of my practice, although I also use aspects of other humanistic therapies, such as Gestalt and Person Centred. TA is focussed on how we communicate with others, and on where these patterns of communication stem from. TA also looks at unconscious ‘scripts’. These often exist as repetitive patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings – sometimes adversely affecting parts of a person’s personality. What I find most attractive about the TA approach is its open and equal approach. The terminology is in plain English and can be shared and explained simply, allowing the relationship between client and therapist to remain equal and non-hierarchical.

But beyond the theory of my practice, what I hold most important is that my client and I develop a strong, equal, respectful relationship, committed to positive change and the relief of distress.

Petals on earth
My therapy room
Beach horizon